Tuesday, March 20, 2012

TTC VIDEO - Science Wars

TTC VIDEO - Science Wars

TTC VIDEO - Science Wars

HASH: 5dea4971f97fefc7cd6a0b261936fef3e08bad44

*TTC - Science _208786Wars.zip

+01. Knowledge and Truth Are Age-Old Problems.avi

+02. Competing Visions of the Scientific Method.avi

+03. Galileo, the Catholic Church, and Truth.avi

+04. Isaac Newton's Theory of the Universe.avi

+05. Science vs. Philosophy in the 17th Century.avi

+06. Locke, Hume, and the Path to Skepticism.avi

+07. Kant Restores Certainty.avi

+08. Science, Society, and the Age of Reason.avi

+09. Science Comes of Age in the 19th Century.avi

+10. Theories Need Not Explain.avi

+11. Knowledge as a Product of the Active Mind.avi

+12. Trading Reality for Experience.avi

+13. Scientific Truth in the Early 20th Century.avi

+14. Two New Theories of Scientific Knowledge.avi

+15. Einstein and Bohr Redefine Reality.avi

+16. Truth, Ideology, and Thought Collectives.avi

+17. Kuhn's Revolutionary Image of Science.avi

+18. Challenging Mainstream Science from Within.avi

+19. Objectivity Under Attack.avi

+20. Scientific Knowledge as Social Construct.avi

+21. New Definitions of Objectivity.avi

+22. Science Wars of the Late 20th Century.avi

+23. Intelligent Design and the Scope of Science.avi

+24. Truth, History, and Citizenship.avi


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